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Spain’s nationwide State of Alarm will remain in effect until May 24

May 7, 2020 | News

Spain’s nationwide State of Alarm will remain in effect until May 24. The Spanish government has announced plans to gradually relax some confinement measures in phases over the next six to eight weeks. Confinement measures will vary from region to region.

Full details of Spain’s four phases to lift lockdown restrictions

Spain is currently in Phase Zero

Spain is currently in Phase Zero of the de-escalation plans to lift the lockdown restrictions. Phase Zero started officially from Monday 4 May.

The island of Formentera in the Balearic Islands, as well as La GomeraEl Hierro and La Graciosa in the Canary Islands, are officially already in Phase One .

Yesterday (Wednesday 6 May) the Spanish Congress voted to officially extend the ‘state of alarm’ lockdown in Spain until 24 May. The lockdown will continue whilst the country also continues with the ‘four phase de-escalation plan’ of gradually lifting lockdown restrictions, as detailed below.

It is now the fourth extension of the lockdown that first started on 14 March.

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